last posted? What have I been up to lately? I been taking
lots of treasures to my booth, enjoying spending time
with my wonderful little family, cookouts, and birthdays,
and lots of yard sales/estate sales! I wish I could show you
some new recent finds I have kept for myself, but lately
I have decided not to keep too much! Above is a picture
of just one of my favorite things to collect...tarnished silver!
pieces at my booth. I am thinking of selling on Ebay again!
We'll see...maybe open an Etsy shop too! Lots to list!
My Ebay seller name is Cheryls*Cozy*Cottage
Alabaster statues, coral, and my favorite early 1900's clock.
A cool find from back in the day, when the pickins were
really good! Hopefully when we have a change of season,
Things will get back like they used to be! I love me some
I like the new look a lot.The above photo with
Old column lamps, and the picture below....
old columns. I just love everything with patina and
antique victorian treasures, what is your favorite?
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend of junkin'!